Don't get me wrong - I love being able to jump on my Facebook page and catch up with all my friends, email is a wonderful, necessary tool in this day and age, and I don't know where my checking account would be without the convenience of online banking. However, I never want technology to interfere with the way my children view the world around them. I want them to feel a sense of awe when they step out the front door. I want them to be aware of the trees, the birds and the sky. I want them to ask questions and be creative and return to a more "relaxed" style of living.
In the next few months I'm going to join my children in a challenge - we're going to use as little technology as possible. I'm going to limit computer, television and video games (for myself AND them). We're going to open more books when it's NOT schooltime. I'm going to do some research on games that families played years before radio or television were thought of and we're going to play them!
To aid in this challenge, I've found two books (at that I'm going to purchase. I'm really excited about these:
They each contain detailed descriptions of games to play, instructions on making simple toys, hunting and fishing suggestions and so much more! I can't wait to dive into this challenge and spend more time playing and learning with my kids!