Happy at Home

I don't have any big projects going on today, so I don't have any pics or special tips to share with you.  What I do have to share is my story on what it means to me to be a homemaker.  I hope it will encourage you in your calling as wife, mother and homemaker.

When I first started my "adventure" as a homemaker, I was 23 years old.  My husband and I had two children and I prayed for almost a year about whether or not to leave my job.  I didn't have a fancy career, or a college degree (though I did work on that for awhile!) but I loved what I was doing and I had always been a very motivated person who aspired to achieve great things.  I had so many mixed feelings about it and it was a very difficult decision.  Even after we decided it was the best thing to do, I struggled with it for years!  I kept trying to "figure out" what it was God wanted me to do.  I just knew He created me for a purpose, and for the life of me I didn't know what it was!  (Are you laughing with me yet?)

I would wash dishes, fold laundry, wipe noses and kiss boo-boos.  All the while constantly praying, "Lord, where do you want me to be?  What am I supposed to be doing?"  I was frustrated and felt like I was going nowhere.  My everyday seemed like something I just needed to get through, so I could get to the next day, and the next, and hopefully someday God would show me His plan.

Then, about 3 years ago, I woke up and remembered a book that a friend of mine had told me about years before.  Created to be his Help Meet is written by Debi Pearl and it completely changed my life!  You can order the book through their website: http://nogreaterjoy.org/blogs/createdtobehishelpmeet/

Debi uses biblical references to encourage young women in the God-given roles we fulfill.  After reading her book, I didn't have to keep asking God what He wanted me to do.  He already had me doing it!  My eyes were suddenly opened to all the blessings He has given me and I began to embrace the dishes, the laundry, the errand-running, the meal-preparing, and everything else that goes into my days!

She helped me find the purpose in what I do.  Educating and raising our children, preparing meals, being responsible with the income my husband provides, decorating our home and making it a cozy and welcoming space, need I go on?  If you're a wife and mom you know what you do all day.  Do you find great satisfaction in it?  Do you know that a calling has been placed on you and that you have been entrusted with one of the greatest responsibilities there is?  As wives, we are to be the crowns of our husbands, as mothers we are raising future doctors, lawyers, inventors (and hopefully homemakers!)  Is there any greater task?  What could be more important?

If you're a homemaker searching for the purpose in your life, I hope and pray that you find it in the little things you do everyday.  Today, I'm going to find it while shopping for a Boy Scout uniform, attending a little league baseball game, fixing my daughter's hair, doing the laundry, planning dinner and running through the chaos of whatever else may happen.  When the day is over, I'm going to make sure my husband sees a smile on my face, and I'm going to thank God for promoting me to this most honored position.

I want to leave you with something I recently received in an email.  You can go here to read a wonderful short story about being an "invisible mother".   It brought tears to my eyes and I hope it touches you as well. Blessings to you!  May you be happy in your homemaking!

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