I hope all of you had a WONDERFUL Valentine's Day and that your husband and children made you feel incredibly appreciated and loved. My hubby came home with a card and some candy for each of the kids (except for Grant, who HATES candy, he brought a bag of beef bites. Don't ask me what those are, but I sure didn't want any!) For me he brought my favorite - peanut m&m's and a funny valentine card. The funniest part was, I picked out the exact same card for him!! We had a good laugh over what a perfect pair we are.
We never really make a big deal out of Valentine's Day because our Anniversary is on the 20th, so it just seems silly to do a bunch of lovey dovey stuff right before then. We like to pack it all in to one occasion. Of course, I wouldn't have my feelings hurt if he showed up with an unexpected vase of flowers, but I never expect that because we came to an agreement years ago not to celebrate.
Today, I've been focusing on staying sane with all the craziness of life. Do you ever have one of those weeks when your calendar is just so full you can't figure out when you're going to have the time to get it all done? That's me this week. I am usually pretty good at time management, but every once in awhile, I just can't figure out how or when the laundry is going to get washed (or folded for that matter?!)
As a homeschooling mom, it is EXTREMELY important for me to keep a set routine for the kids to rotate through when it comes to chores. Without this handy routine, I would probably go cuh-ray-zee! Even with the routine, the house is never really up to my standards (which my kids will tell you is the essence of perfection, and I would be fibbing if I tried to disagree).
Anyhoo - I thought I would share this handy little set of spreadsheets that have brought the sanity back into my life in the hopes that you might be able to utilize them in your own household. Homeschooling or not, what mom wouldn't like a helping hand (or few) around the house? My children are 7, 9 and 13 years old and most of these jobs require little or no supervision from me. They are learning responsibility, teamwork, and most importantly, that when a mess is made, if they don't clean it up then, mom will NOT be cleaning it up later. They have become more conscious about cleaning up after themselves, which makes a WORLD of difference around here!
Drum roll . . .
tap your fingers . . .
here come the spreadsheets . . .
are you tired of waiting yet?
Ok darn it, after several tries I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the image of the spreadsheet on here - I guess I have a lot more to learn about this computer stuff - ha!
So I am just going to do the best I can, bare with me (or is it bear, cause you want to growl in frustration?) ugh!
I'm going to start off with one spreadsheet and we'll continue this in a later post, um-kay?
In the bathroom, we have:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Wipe counters Grant Grace Reece Grant Grace
and sink
Wipe mirror and Grace Reece Grant Grace Reece
around toilet
Swiffer the floor Reece Grant Grace Reece Grant
Do you get the idea? I have the spreadsheet actually printed and posted inside the linen cabinet in the kids' bathroom. They know exactly what they are supposed to do every morning. No need for arguing, no need to tell me who did or didn't do what yesterday, no haggling with them. It's wonderful!
As promised, I will share more of my housework spreadsheets in a later post. I will also be filling you in on the progress we've made on the Love Yourself, Lose Your Junk Mission in Grace's room.
If you have any ideas on how to run a smoother household, I would LOVE to hear them!
Blessings to you,
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