- Preparing breakfast tacos with the youth at church for a fundraiser
- Attending a Vacation Bible School meeting
- Coming home for a quick lunch
- Going back to the church for choir rehearsal
- Singing in the choir during the afternoon service
- Coming home and cooking dinner as quickly as possible because we were all famished!
As part of the 31 days to Clean, which I mentioned last week, I am working on my "spiritual house". I'm continuing to ask God to reveal himself and His will to me more clearly. I'm fervently attempting to keep our home in complete order. I'm doing my best to spend time in the Word each day. I'm working on being the best mom I can be by trying to set aside time with each child individually every day, no matter how little time that may be. I am feeling an increased sense of peace.
I sincerely hope your Sunday was a day of rest and peace, and that our loving Father will show each one of us how to live life (in this crazy world) where every day feels like a Sunday.
Stay tuned for upcoming projects! I have plans for my master bedroom, as well as some changes in Grace and Reece's rooms. Grace has new furniture waiting to go in, and Reece won some very special wall art at his end-of-season baseball party. I can't wait to share pics!
Happy Homemaking my friends!