New Look

Ok peeps - it's done!  For now . . .

I most certainly am NOT going to become a blog designer anytime in the near future.  (Can't you tell?)  However, I am proud of the simple changes I was able to make thanks to Jacinda over at Growing Home.

Her e-book was worth every penny of the $4.99 she charges and I would have paid more!  Her simple, detailed instructions made it so easy for me to create a new banner and learn how to install it on my page.  There is a wealth of other information in the book, I was just so excited to get started that I read the first few pages, then went to work!

If you have been wanting to learn how to update or change the look of your blog without hiring a designer, or spending a fortune on software, Jacinda will walk you through it step-by-step.

I highly recommend you take a look at her precious blog and check into the book yourself!
You can see her post about the e-book here.

Happy Homemaking my friends!