Well, it's been over a week since I've posted my friends! What a crazy week it has been, too. We are almost finished with the Love Yourself, Lose Your Junk Mission in Grace's room. All we have left to do is purchase the closet system and install it. (Hubby is off next week and I am hoping I can sweet talk him into helping me do that.) If you didn't read the post about the mission, you can do so here. I'm hoping to post pics of the completed project soon!
I think we are finally getting our house back in order after our crisis move. (That is another story which I will spare you all.) Our home is almost back to the peaceful place it was before. My youngest was walking through the house yesterday and said to me, "Mom, you know what? The house is actually clean!" What I'm sure he meant was he could walk without tripping over boxes, there are no more piles of paper laying all over the house needing to be filed, and he can actually find all his toys and school books. Yeah! I can almost breathe again!
Now listen people, I could leave it at that and make you think my house is all spickety span and perfect, but that would be mean. Besides, those of you who really know me are already thinking, yeah right, we know you've got a mess in there! Do you want to see where I put all that stuff in an effort to get the rest of the house in order? I don't want to show you, but I will.
TADA . . .
See how perfectly I hid them behind the sofa? Isn't that a sneaky trick? Now I can go through them as I have the time, and not worry about anyone seeing them if they come to visit. You only have to walk around the couch if you are walking outside or into my craft room.
This is what you would see if you were a guest walking into my living room.
Ah, yes . . . you can't see those pesky boxes.
(Ignore the down sofa cushions that need fluffing!)
In my mind I'm praying you don't ask to see my craft room on your visit.
Otherwise, you will see them, and on top of that, you will see this:
Oh my sad, sad craft room.
It is just begging me to get it in order.
Really people, this drives me nuts, but I AM going to get it done.
I am doing a little every day.
Now, even though it is not yet March, I am going to share my next very exciting project with you. My baby sister is getting married in April! (Insert squeal of excitement here.) As the Matron of Honor, I am "honored" to be able to give her the Bridal Shower I have been dreaming of giving her since she was a little girl. (She is 10 years younger than me, so I've had lots of time to think about it.) Here are some pics I took of her and my brother-to-be. Aren't they too sweet for words? (Thank God I am not wearing mascara yet today, they bring tears to my eyes!)
Last week we finished making the invitations for her Bridal Shower. I just LOVE stamping, so we got the bridesmaids and a few family members to help us out with those. I think they turned out just beautiful! What do you think?

Because of the upcoming shower, I am trying to get my visible living areas ready for her shower. We have lots of family coming who have never been to my home, and I am so anxious to get so many projects done before then.
I need to paint the new trim around one of the doors in the dining room.
(See it to the right in this pic? Ugh - it gets on my nerves every time
we sit down to a meal! I hate you ugly, unpainted door trim! Your unpainted
days in this house are numbered!)
I need something on the wall above the sofa in the living room.
(I have something in mind already.) Ignore the weird shape on the wall.
It's just a reflection from the mirror. And that stuff hanging down from
the top of the pic is the chord for our ceiling fan.
I need to finish the dining room chair re-do I've already begun.
(ugh - don't even look at that hideous denim! These chairs were a
goodwill find and I have yet to find the perfect fabric to recover them.)
Do you see the pesky half-painted trim in this pic too? Ugh! Bugging me!
And finally, I think I have the hub's permission to buy some new comfy chairs for the sitting room. It's the first thing you see when you come in the house, and it will be so much more cozy once I have those picked out. These chairs are just not cutting it anymore! (However, I DO so love the window seat and bookshelves hubby installed for us in there!) (I do NOT love the view out the window on trash day - hurry up you silly garbage men!)
Well, I think that's all for today. I PROMISE to post those pics of Grace's room just as soon as it's done. As for my craft room, you may have to wait awhile to see completed pics in there. I will update you on my progress with my March projects as they come along. In the meantime, Happy Homemaking!
The house looks fantastic girl!!! It's been a while since we've seen it, but it looks AMAZING! I can't wait to see your kitchen! :-) Now, do you want to come to my house and help me get mine looking so pretty?!? My walls are barren. Seems to be the theme for my homes... empty walls (except for family pics in the hall!)
ReplyDeleteGive me until after the wedding, ok? Then I promise to come help you! The catch is you have to let me post pics of the transformation over there, too!